Between sight and structure where tension always moves between what we see and what it is, without converting what we see into a metaphor or symbol.
Do not let latent meanings overtake reality. Leave only the view in relation to the structure. Therefore, the use of simple elements in their interaction with light, shadow, and the spectator, space, time, and movement is emphasized. The tendency towards illusion aims only to amplify the space for reflection.
Dropping our cognitive structures, the complementarity
between us and the world remains clear. Reality no longer manifests as a description of facts but as a reflection in which an experience is mirrored.
Most of our culture is based on what we see, so working with light is working with our understanding of this world. Shadows are an absence that makes the volume of the world comprehensible for us, without them, all would be flat.
Light is a delicate and powerful material, with the ability of being huge and weightless at the same time.
My main process is being able to work with light and shadows
by treating them as equals. These two elements can be in a relationship like matter and void: in the same way a sculptor
can remove the matter to create a shape, I can add or remove shadows to generate a new visual equilibrium.
Using artificial shadows is creating a difference between
what we know and what we see, breaking the structures that sustain our beliefs.
I’ve developed a method to eliminate the black of the
shadows, replacing it with a very saturated colour. This way
we don’t feel anymore that we are looking at a void, we are
seeing a new independent element with no metaphorical
charge. This eliminates centuries of negative prejudice of shadows in western culture.
I work along with other sources of light, eliminating the need
for darkness and establishing a more subtle and real dialogue
with the surroundings.
Through spatial interventions, I create small and intimate
worlds that open intangible spaces of reflection.
All my sculptures, installations, and designs focus on the same theme: reveal the action of seeing, and enhancing its beauty and fragility. We live in a world bombarded by thousands of images and a lot of visual noise is generated each second. On each look, my artwork offers a moment of calm, silence, where the eyes can rest for a second and understand they are seeing.